Multiplication Facts!

Let's get ready for 5th grade and master our multiplication and division facts!

We are learning our multiplication facts in a different format this year.  All the facts, 0's-11's, are in four levels. You will progress from one level to the next at your own pace.  When your teacher decides, you will take a test on your level.  The test will have 36 facts.  You can only pass from one level to the next if you have 100% of the answers correct in 3 minutes or less.  You can earn levels of distinction based on the time it took you to earn 100%.  You will be recognized at the doctorate level if you passed in less than 2 minutes.  You will be recognized at the master's level if you passed in 2:01 - 2:30 minutes.  You will be recognized at the bachelor's level if you pass in 2:31 - 3:00 minutes.  You cannot pass a level if it takes you more than 3 minutes, even if you earned 100%.  

Here are the facts in each level:

Level 1:  0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 11 x 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 11

Level 2:  0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 11 x 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9

Level 3:  3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 x 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 11

Level 4:  3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 x 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9


Once you pass all four levels, and you are proud of the level of distinction for each level based on time (doctorate, master's, or bachelor's), you must then take the "whole test" which is all 144 facts!  To pass, you must earn 100% and complete the test in 12 minutes or less.  For this test there are also levels of distinction based on time for completion.  You will be recognized at the doctorate level if you pass in 8 minutes or less.  You will be recognized at the master's level if you passed in 8:01 - 10:00 minutes.  You will be recognized at the bachelor's level if you passed in 10:01 - 12:00 minutes.  You cannot pass the whole test if it takes you more than 12 minutes, even if you earned 100%.


What about the division facts?

After you pass the whole test for multiplication, it is time to learn your division facts! Guess what?  This is easier than learning your multiplication facts!  This is because division is the inverse of multiplication, so if you know your multiplication facts, you already know your division facts!  The division facts are placed in four groups, and all four groups must be passed with 100% accuracy and with the same distinction based on time as the multiplication facts, but you get to decide which group to focus on first!

Group 1:  2s, 4s, 8s

Group 2:  3s, 6s, 9s

Group 3:  1s, 5s, 10s

Group 4:  0s, 7s, 11s


Just like with the multiplication facts, once you pass all four levels, and you are proud of the level of distinction for each level based on time (doctorate, master's, or bachelor's), you must then take the "whole test" which is all 144 facts!  To pass, you must earn 100% and complete the test in 12 minutes or less.  For this test there are also levels of distinction based on time for completion.  You will be recognized at the doctorate level if you pass in 8 minutes or less.  You will be recognized at the master's level if you passed in 8:01 - 10:00 minutes.  You will be recognized at the bachelor's level if you passed in 10:01 - 12:00 minutes.  You cannot pass the whole test if it takes you more than 12 minutes, even if you earned 100%.


How should I practice?

You should first know what level you are currently practicing.  If you forget, ask your teacher.  You need to make cards at home to help you practice a specific level.  For example, if you are practicing level 2, you need 12 cards total.  These can be made using index cards cut in half or just small strips of paper about the same size.  Since Level 2 is 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 11 x 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, you need to write these numbers, one on each card.  Keep the 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 11 cards in one pile and the 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 cards in the other pile.  Turn one card over in one pile and one card over in the other pile to reveal a fact to practice.  If you even hesitate for a moment to recall that fact, you do not have that fact in your long-term memory bank . Don't worry, though!  You can give your brain what it needs so you can recall that fact and every other fact you hesitate to recall by using the see it, say it, symbol it process!

Other than the fact cards, you need a 10 x 10 array with colored dots.  If you don't have one at home, here is the link you can use to print one:  Array Grid for See It, Say It, Symbol It.  You also need to make a "screening tool."  Just get a sheet of copy paper, or even better, half of a manila file folder or cardstock.  Fold it in half to make two long skinny rectangles and cut it along the fold line.  Glue the two pieces together so it looks like a right angle, or an L.  Flip it so it looks like a backwards L and you are ready to use the screening tool!

Here's what you do:

1.  Make a 10 x 10 array with colored dots.  Use two different colors of markers.  Try to use a dark color like black or purple, and another color that contrasts but avoid yellow (it is just too light!).  Do this because your brain responds to color!  Your brain also needs to see how many dots there are!  Use one color to place 25 dots in the upper left part of the grid to make a 5 x 5 array.  Switch colors to do the same on the upper right of the grid.  Now do the same in the bottom half of the grid, but make sure the colors alternate!  We do it this way so you don't have to count by 1s to find the sixth through 10th rows, either horizontally or vertically since your brain can see that the sixth through 10th rows and columns are a different color.

2.  See It:  Use your screening tool to just reveal the array that matches the fact you were not able to recall.  So, for example, if you failed to recall 4 x 7, use the screen so all that your brain SEES is a 4 x 7 array.Count the dots you see.  If you want to count by 1s, go ahead, but try to get to the point that you are counting by multiples or even better, you are seeing smaller arrays within the larger array, you can very quickly count up the dots.  This does take time, but it is very important to your brain that you do this!

3.  Say It:  Once you have seen the dots and counted them up, SAY IT by stating that fact out loud.  Your brain needs you to make the connection between what it sees and what the fact is written down in math symbols by using the language center of your brain, so give your brain what it needs!

4.  Symbol It:  Write the fact and its inverse down so you have completed the See It, Say It, Symbol It process!  With a little effort, you will have given your brain exactly what it needs to help it recall all the multiplication facts and your work in math with become faster and easier to understand!


Want to test yourself?  You can use the Quizlet website to practice your leveled facts!


       LEVEL 1              LEVEL 2            LEVEL 3          LEVEL 4